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School Bus

School Bus

At present, ISA Tianhe provides 13 school bus lines, reaching different districts in Guangzhou. We have school staff on every bus. The school staff keep close in touch with parents and school to ensure students’ safety. Our buses are modern, regularly serviced and registered. The school bus driver has excellent qualifications, holds a school bus driver’s license, and has rich driving experience.

At ISA Tianhe,we use four principles to organise our bus transport of students to and from school:

Our buses are modern, regularly serviced and registered. Our drivers are fully qualified, licensed, and experienced. Our buses have high quality seat belts and ISA Tianhe staff ensure that students wear them. Only our students and ISA Tianhe staff are allowed on the bus. Staff will strictly supervise the behaviour of the students to ensure that all are safe.


We have school staff on every bus. A reliable members of ISA Tianhe staff will escort children from the very first stop on each bus route to school, and from school to the last destination. Staff check the names of all students disembarking in the morning and make sure that all students who travel by bus get on the right bus at school. Staff deliver each child to the parent or carer at each bus stop.


Our buses run smoothly and quietly and are all air-conditioned. They are spacious and have comfortable seats. The drivers are very professional and careful. The teachers do not allow food and drinks on the bus so they are clean and hygienic.


ISA Tianhe is centrally located in the CBD of Guangzhou. Journeys range from 30-60 minutes. Overleaf is a map of our normal bus routes. Please note that these may change each semester to accommodate the residential locations of students.
