On November 16th, ISA Tianhe School held an Awards Ceremony to celebrate the impressive achievements of the children in the LAMDA examinations, the Mathematics Olympiad, and to recognize the student council members.
At ISA Tianhe, we combine the UK curriculum with the IB Primary Framework, this means that we make connections between our Reading Lessons and our Units of Inquiry.
ISA celebrated another very important and successful event on Friday and Saturday 1-2 November. It was the Sixth ISA Professional Learning Conference (PLC) and was again held at the ISA Science City International School campus.
On the morning of October 31, ISA Tianhe welcomed our traditional October Fun Day.
The article summarizes the end of the Unit of Inquiry (UOI) undertaken by Year 1, underscoring the profound impact of self-awareness on the learning journey, personal development, emotional resilience, and the ability to confront challenges effectively.
This year, the events of the ISA Festival and Technology Festival will be held on Saturday, 7 December, at ISA Science City International School.